Best Shotgun in Call of Duty Mobile

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Call of Duty: Mobile is currently one of the most popular mobile games in India since PUBG Mobile, Free Fire and Battlegrounds Mobile were banned in India. Call of Duty Mobile generated over 480 million in revenue and 270 million downloads in its first year of launch.

Shotguns possess several similarities to SMGs, although they seem vastly different at first glance. Both are capable of dealing real damage at close quarters and offer sufficient mobility for players to effectively weave between covers and flank adversaries.

Call of Duty Mobile has 6 different types of guns: Assault Rifle, LMG, SMG, Sniper, Shotgun and LMG. So, which shotgun is the best? Our shotgun list aims to help you make that decision from the best to the worst, factoring in the changes in weapon balance. This post is for those who want to choose the best shotgun in the Call of Duty mobile game.

5 Best Shotgun in Call of Duty Mobile

If you are looking for the best shotgun in the Call of Duty Mobile game, then you have come to the right place. Below we have discussed the 5 best shotguns, read and understand them well.

1. KRM-262

Although shotguns are not that popular in the Call of Duty Mobile game, the most popular shotgun in Call of Duty is KRM-262. Attachment, like a barrel, affects the weapon’s range, accuracy, and damage. Also, the magazine increases its capacity, reducing the need for quick reloads.

The KRM-262 is best suited for players who enjoy aggressive and up-close gameplay. Its destroyed damage output at close range can often result in one-shot kills, making it a favoured choice for players who prefer shotguns or close quarters combat tactics.


It features a high precision; it is one of the shotguns to have a semi-automatic fire mode. Which makes it the perfect shotgun for players who are confident in their aiming skills. It also has low recoil and has lightweight, giving it more mobility.

3. BY 15

The BY15 shotgun is known for its high damage output and strong performance in close-quarters combat. It’s designed to excel at short-range engagements, where its high damage per shot can take down opponents with just one or two well-placed shots. Also, this gun has low recoil and high precision. Players can customize the BY15 with various attachments to enhance its performance and cater to their play style.

4. Striker

The Striker is a semi-automatic shotgun known for its moderate damage output and many-sided performance in close to mid-range engagements. The Striker shotgun is typically unlocked at a relatively low player level, making it accessible to most players early in the game. You can combine your shotgun’s power with tactical equipment like flashbangs or smoke grenades to create opportunities for close-range engagements.

5. HS0405

The HS0405 has higher damage of 100 and high mobility compared to other shotguns. The HS0405 is a lever-action shotgun, but it doesn’t match up in terms of accuracy, range, or fire rate. Due to its low stats, it doesn’t rank high on our best shotgun tier list. 

Hi Guys, I am Pavan Deshmukh And Owner Of Creative Pavan Basically, I am Gamer YouTuber & Blogger.

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