BGMI Tier Reset in C6S16 (3.2 Update BGMI Tier Drop)

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Besides, many new updates are here. There are many new character skins, Gun skins, gun updates, and many more exciting updates.

But, as we know, from the start of every new season there is a C6S16 Tier Drop for all players. Similarly, every player gets through this downgrading process of BGMI.

So here I have updated the new ranking system for Battlegrounds Mobile India C6S16. So don’t forget to check it out. Moreover, in the last part of this post, there is a YouTube video for you. Furthermore, that video has every detail you will be curious about.

BGMI Tier Reset In C6S16

Current Tier RankC6S16 Tier Rank
Conqueror, Ace Dominator & ACE Master(4800-5200)Platinum 1
Ace & ACE Master(4700-4800)Platinum 2
Crown 1Platinum 3
Crown 2, 3Platinum 4
Crown 4,5Platinum 5
Diamond 1,2Gold 1
Diamond 3,4,5Gold 2
Platinum 1,2,3Gold 3
Platinum 4,5 & Gold 1Gold 4
Gold 2,3,4,5Gold 5
Silver 1,2,3,4,5Silver 1,2,3,4,5 As it is
Bronze 1,2,3,4,5Bronze 1,2,3,4,5 As it is

C6S16 Tier Drop System BGMI

Conqueror, Ace Dominator & ACE Master Tier Reset

In this new C6S16 update of Battlegrounds Mobile India, the tiers will be demoted based on their current tier. In this case, we will talk about the top tiers of BGMI Mobile. These top tiers are Conqueror, Ace Dominator, and Ace Master. Etc. These three tiers will be getting a huge drop at Platinum 1. So, these players have to now rank up from platinum to the top again. It will be hard, but not impossible.

ACE & ACE Master Tier Reset

C6S16 Tier Reset for players in ACE & ACE Master

Similarly, players from below will be getting a tier drop at Platinum II.

Tier ACE & ACE Master

In this case, if you start asap to rank rush. Also, In Battlegrounds Mobile India, it would be much easier for these players to rank up.

ACE & ACE Master players will be dropped down to platinum. This system is too imbalanced, as players from the upper league are more likely to play with these players. And thus, matches will be generally complicated for these players

Crown Tier Reset

Crown I Player Tier drop at platinum III.

Especially, players in the Crown I are more likely to be facing demotion at platinum 3. A direct drop-down of thousands of drop points. So it’s great as generally, the difference between these players is kept a bit low.

However, players in even lower leagues are more likely to stay in the same place. Basically due to the ranking system of BGMI.

PUBG Crown Tier Reset
Battlegrounds Mobile India

Players in between Crown II and Crown III will be changing to the Platinum IV tier. Moreover, these players are getting a 2-3 thousand point drop in the ranking system.

BGMI Crown Tier Reset
Battlegrounds Mobile India

Players from the current Crown IV, tier will face a drop-down to the Platinum V tier. According to the new update of BGMI. Similarly, players from the current Crown V tier will face a drop-down to the Platinum V tier. Because of the new update of BGMI.

Diamond I player C6S16 Tier Drop at Gold II.

However, players from the current Diamond I tier will face a dropdown. At Gold, I tier according to the new update of BGMI. Likewise, players from the current Diamond II tier will face a dropdown. At Golden, I tier according to the new update of Battlegrounds Mobile India.

Diamond To Gold `Tier Reset

Especially, players from the current DIAMOND III tier will face a drop-down. Consequently, at GOLD II-tier as per the new update of BGMI. Likewise, players from the current Diamond 4 tier will face a drop-down. Thus, at GOLD II-tier from the new update of Battlegrounds Mobile India. Additionally, players from the current Diamond V tier will face a drop-down. Basically at GOLD II-tier as of the new update of BGMI.

Diamond Gold Tier Reset

Especially, players from the current Platinum I-tier will face a drop-down. Generally at GOLD III-tier as per the new update of BGMI. Likewise, players from the current platinum II tier will face a drop-down to the GOLD III tier. Additionally, players from the current Platinum III tier will face a drop-down. At GOLD III-tier as of the new update of BGMI.

Gold I player Tier drop.

Gold Tier Reset

Especially, players from the current Gold I-tier will face a drop-down to GOLD IV-tier as per the new update of BGMI. Likewise, players from the current Platinum 4 tier will face a drop-down to the GOLD IV tier from the new update of BGMI. Additionally, players from the current platinum V tier will face a drop-down to the GOLD IV tier as of the new update of Battlegrounds Mobile India.

Especially, players from the current GOLD II will be changing with GOLD V TIER., and Gold III-tier will face a drop-down to GOLD V-tier as per the new update of BGMI.

Likewise, players from the current GOLD IV 4 tier will face a drop-down to GOLD V -tier from the new update of BGMI. Additionally, players from the current gold v tier will face a drop-down to GOLD V tier as of the new update of BGMI.

Silver I And Bronze I Player Tier drop.

On the other hand, now here are some of the non-changing tiers. Generally, these all tiers will not be demoted as per the new ranking system after C6S16. The non-changing tiers will not face any change in rankings. So, these players don’t have to start ranking from a huge drop.
Platinum I will not face any demotion and will continue its rank spot at Platinum I.

Similarly, platinum II will not face any demotion and will continue its rank spot as Platinum II. likewise, platinum III will not face any demotion and will continue its rank spot as Platinum III. Additionally, platinum IV will not face any demotion and will continue its rank spot in Platinum IV. however, platinum v will not face any demotion and will continue its rank spot in Platinum V.

Bronze Tier Reset

Bronze I will not face any demotion and will continue its rank spot at Bronze I. As of this, Bronze II will not face any demotion and will continue its rank spot at Bronze II. Moreover, the lower ranks from ahead of this will not face any tier drop.

But still, to inform on this topic, ill mention that below. Bronze IV will not face any demotion and will continue its rank spot at Bronze IV. Likewise, Bronze V will not face any demotion and will continue its rank spot at Bronze V.

Hi Guys, I am Pavan Deshmukh And Owner Of Creative Pavan Basically, I am Gamer YouTuber & Blogger.

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