On 20th June, multiple Indian players reported that Steam Pages were inaccessible. Indian Shrekt, was the first user to account for this issue via Twitter. The ban was only subjected to West Bengal’s Alliance Broadband Pvt Ltd, due to the government’s order, but later it was found out that numerous ISPs have started blocking the page which may lead to a Nationwide ban on Steams services.
Various Indian Telecommunications Companies have shut down Steams Community Pages, including Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited ( BSNL ). Along with TATA Fiber ( Maharashtra ), Alliance ( Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh ), GTPL ( Gujrat), and Channel 3 Cable Internet ( Maharashtra ) have also blocked Steam’s servers in their respective locality areas. A few broadbands have partially shut down the services while some have completely blocked the servers, yet none of them have given a rigid reason for this sudden takedown.
On the 14th of June, Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar gave a statement, stating that games involving betting, and harmful addiction behaviours would be taken down. This could be a potential reason why Steam servers are taken down. However, there is no official statement from the government or the platform itself, leaving many PC players disheartened. If the platform is banned, then it would result in a mass loss of accounts and in-game wallet balance.