BGMI 4 Finger Claw Setup – Best Control Layout and Sensitivity Settings

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If you are a die heart fan of BGMI and want to play BGMI with four fingers then this article will help you to set up the best BGMI 4 Finger Claw Setup Layout along with its sensitivity. The gaming experience becomes amazing when you managed to achieve an ideal sensitivity settings for yourself.

Almost all the famous pro players are using the 4 finger claw controls to play the game while live-streaming, and I’m sure sometimes you also like to play that how they are playing this game. Have a look at the 4 finger BGMI claw setup and enjoy amazing gameplay with full grind.

The below settings are ideal for me in four finger setup, but it might not be good for everyone, so, my advice is to make some changes in order to get the perfect settings exactly what you need.

C6S18 Tier Reset In BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India)

Best BGMI 4 Finger Claw Control Layout

This setup will help you to improve your crouch, shooting, jump prone and other useful skills swiftly. You can adjust the layout by looking at the below image or by using share code.

BGMI 4 Finger Claw Setup

Best BGMI 4 Finger Claw Setup Control Layout Share Code


BGMI Best Sensitivity Settings For Four-Finger Claw

For this 4 finger claw setup you can also follow the below sensitivity settings as both these settings are ideal and work perfectly when used both these settings together.

Camera Sensitivity Settings:

SettingsValue (in %)
No Scope130-140
Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist65-70
2x Scope33-45
3x Scope24-32
4x ACOG Scope, VSS23-27
6x Scope15-19
8x Scope10-15

ADS Sensitivity Settings

SettingsValue (in %)
No Scope130-140
Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist65-70
2x Scope33-45
3x Scope25-32
4x ACOG Scope, VSS23-27
6x Scope15-19
8x Scope12-15
SettingsValue (in %)
TPP/FPP No Scope300-400
Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist300-400
2x Scope300-400
3x Scope170-250
4x ACOG Scope, VSS180-230
6x Scope80-130
8x Scope70-110
SettingsValue (in %)
TPP/FPP No Scope300-400
Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist300-400
2x Scope250-350
3x Scope180-240
4x ACOG Scope, VSS190-250
6x Scope80-120
8x Scope50-100

Jonathan BGMI Sensitivity Settings And Controls Codes (Battlegrounds Mobile India)

This is the complete setup of four finger claws. You can set up these settings and control to your layout, if these layouts are useful don’t forget to drop your experience after applying these settings.

Hi Guys, I am Pavan Deshmukh And Owner Of Creative Pavan Basically, I am Gamer YouTuber & Blogger.

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